Sunday, August 24, 2014

..send pictures and news....

I love this idea of a family blog. We are all so scattered around the country that we only halfway keep contact by fb, and news from others about others. Sometimes I do not pass the news correctly, so this is great.

I want off fb, so post lots of pictures of those 3 precious newest members of our crazy family, We might indeed be crazy, but who isn't these days. Let us know how the job hunts, new locations, and jobs are coming along. Which also means more pictures!!

I do not have any new pictures myself right now, but soon I hope to be able to post some. 

Start posting~~~

I love you all.


  1. It's a great idea!! I'm still waiting to be added as a email is wacky and the confirmation email is not coming to me :( but at least I can read and reply :D

  2. I told Shaynie. I was on the phone with her when I got this. If you have another email leet her know. She is going to call you. She is out and about right now.

  3. I added you, Aunt Amy. Hopefully that email goes through.

    1. yes Shaynie!! It finally went through!! <3

    2. Yayyyy!!
      Hey Shaynie, is your mom going to join this?

  4. I asked Momma and she said she wanted to familiarize herself with the site before getting into it. She's never used this before.
